Fuck you and your stupid rules.

An article on Frank Jasper, the fucking legend who played Brian Shute in "Vision Quest", is totally worthy of an article.
You all can fucking go eat my dick, you bunch of pansy-assed acne faced motherfuckers.
Frank Jasper will have at least something on the Internet dedicated to him.
I for one will make sure of that, you twinkle-toed cocksucker motherfuckers.
Fuck you.
More later.
Don't be shy. Tell us how you REALLY feel about Wikipedia.
Thanks for the article. I actually just got off the phone with Frank (aka Shute), what a great guy. Apparently he was 23-25 years old during filming and weighed anywhere from 182-200 lbs...if anyone wanted to know. He also said he's playing a lot of tennis nowadays.
I found out that Frank is actually my relative on my Grandma's side of the family. They are from Grand Coulee, Washington. I have never met him, but that would be pretty cool!
I've been looking like crazy but can't find how tall Jasper is. Anyone know?
Awesome article...both about Frank and Wiki. Yeah, Frank does deserve to be there...he was a total badass in that movie. Didn't even have to say much.
That was awesome!!!! Right on man! You rock.
I love the movie and I often turn to Wikipedia while watching movies to read about the actors. I like to know what they did or what they're doing. I'm glad you posted about Frank Jasper. I was actually wondering what ever happened to him!
I totaly agree with you what a great actor thanks for posting.Now where did you come up with that comment "Asshat" i freeking laughed my ass off
He was still in high school when they filmed it and never weighed more then 180lbs back then, I know cause he's my uncle.
I was in the Persian Gulf when the movie came out. But hearing he's a Marine,I'd like thank you Frank for your service to our country. But I'd have honored to serve by his side. As a former wrestler and student of Tae Kwon Do, and a veteran, I found the persona he portrayed interesting. I'd like to talk to him someday about holistic treatments for personal reasons. Dickipedia is run by a bunch of neo-commie morons who pull any articles they disagree with. I know. A lifelong buddy who enlisted with me and lost most of his company in Beirut writes and constantly fights with them for pulling his stuff. So thank you to the writer of this article for taking a stand against them. Semper fi.
you were in the gulf in 1985? i was there in '90. so are you saying that wikipedia took down the article because Frank Jasper isn't relevent enough to deserve one?
I find it interesting that you're praising a wrestling movie while criticizing gay people. Personally I like Vision Quest and happen to be straight, but after watching sweaty, greasy men roll around on a mat groping each other for even a few minutes, you've sort of got to admit that wrestling is, well, sort of gay.... Just saying...
Nice Job ...
That's what I was thinking. (Gulf in '85) damn jarhead mind.
Not really... but perhaps your feelings have changed you. You must have been a pumpkin pusher. They were always upset calling us matfags for taking their gym and girls. If you mess around you'll end up doing an Olympic situp and savoring it.
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Pumpkin Pusher and Olympic Sit-up. I have not heard those terms in 20 years. I miss the mat.
No, he was not. Either you are lying or, your uncle is. Frank had been out of high school for over 3 years working as an iron worker before going to college and trying out for the movie.
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